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A Madison-Based Roofing Contractor

At MEI we focus completely on residential re-roofs. We are proficient in locating hail damage and in dealing with your insurance company. We will make sure they are aware of the complete damage done to your roof and ensure that you receive the proper refunds.

Your roof can comprise a large portion of your home’s exterior and can have a tremendous impact on the overall look and performance of your home. Whether you prefer a distinctive look, need to factor in for extreme weather conditions, or just want to sleep sound knowing you have a roofing system that you can count on, you can be sure MEI will deliver.

Proper installation is critical of a new roofing system and so it’s important that you carefully select an exterior expert. Your decision in a contractor should not be based on the cheapest quote, but instead one that understands the details of a complete roofing system. At MEI we will provide you with a written estimate and references from local residences. All our contractors are fully insured, legal citizens, and contributing members to society.

Common signs that you may need a new roof would be:

  • Algae growth (dark discoloration)
  • Curling
  • Missing shingles
  • Damaged flashing
  • Leaks and rotting

There are other signs that you may need a new roof. Give us a call and we can help you determine if a new roof is necessary.

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