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At MEI we provide an affordable window solution that is right for you and your budget. For the last 20+ years MEI has been installing windows of all shapes and sizes. We measure and custom-fabricate your new windows to fit perfectly.

Window selection for your home is more involved than just placing an order. Style, color, and material type are just a few of the decisions a homeowner must make. And no matter the selection, you won’t see the quality performance unless your windows are properly installed.

We offer a variety of window selections:

  • Double-Hung Windows
  • Casement Windows
  • Slider Windows
  • Awning Windows
  • Bay and Bow Windows
  • Garden Windows

We only works with superior brands that provide the look, feel and energy efficiency you are looking for.

MEI does not work off of sales incentives from dealers, so you won’t get a pushy sales pitch promoting one brand over the other. This is one of the many reason’s we are Cottage Grove’s #1 window contractor.

Common Window Questions

What’s the difference between a single hung and double hung window?

A single hung window has one moving sash – which is typically the bottom portion of the window. A double-hung window has two vertically moving sashes, each opening and closing different parts of the window.

What is a casement window?

Operated by a mechanism in order to open – this window is hinged at the side and swings out.

What’s the difference between a bay window and a bow window?

A bay window is a series of usually three windows assembled in a polygon shape that projects outward from the side of the house. A bow window is usually composed of a series of five window units assembled in an arc, rather than a polygon, but still projects from the side of a house.

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